21/10/2009: Hey, I'm not dead! :) Anyway, due to lack of time this website is out of date. I've written (and sometimes recorded) some new songs since the last update of the website.
So the web-site is under manteinence and it will be updated soon (hopefully next december). Sorry for any inconvenient.
15/8/2007: Today I finished writing and recording my new single "Voleremo insieme", supporting the Airport of Viterbo to be the third airport of Rome. I sent it to the Comittee for the Airport, joining it. I also launched the idea of a mega-concert with all the musician from the Province of Viterbo to substain this cause.
I really hope that our airport will be realized, so this is my way to contribute.
If you want to download the song, click here.
Hurray for the Viterbo Airport!!!
13/8/2007: web site upgraded with the english version.
Thank you very much to my dear friend Sara Gnasso for helping me with the translation! Hi Sara!!!:)
Have a good surf and thank you for visiting!
For any request or information: e-mail me.